Before you start
Do you have everything you need?
- Your Cycling Insurance policy number and documents.
- Details of what happened, and supporting evidence like images of the damage to your bicycle, damage reports, witness statements, etc.
- Details of any other vehicles, people or property involved.
- Contact details of any witnesses.
- Crime reference number, if applicable.
Do you know what you’re covered for?
Check our current policy booklet if you don’t have yours to hand.
Ready to claim?
Start your claim online
It’s often faster than calling us. Just complete this form to tell us what happened and what you’re claiming for.
Start online claimOur 24-hour commitment
We don’t want you to be out of action for any longer than necessary, which is why we aim to resolve your claim within one working day of receiving all required information. Give us a call or start your claim online, and we’ll get you back on your bike as soon as possible.
Making a claim – how does it work?
If we accept a claim for a bicycle or cycling accessory covered under this policy we will, at our discretion:
- Repair it
- Replace it, or
- Pay you the amount that it would have cost us to repair or replace it.
If we choose to repair or replace your bicycle or cycling accessory, our liability will be limited to the cost required to repair or replace it as near as possible to its appearance and condition immediately prior to the claimed loss or damage, less any applicable excess.
The most we will pay for any repair or cash settlement will be the lesser of the following, minus any applicable excess:
- Our replacement cost, or
- Your sum insured
In the event of a partial loss of a bicycle or cycling accessory, we will pay the lesser of the following, minus any applicable excess:
- Our purchase cost for an item of equivalent age, standard and condition, or
- Your sum insured
You may have to contribute towards the cost of repairing or replacing tyres, chains, clusters, chainrings, bearings, seals, shock absorbers, forks or other items that have been affected by wear and tear or rust and corrosion.
The amount you are required to contribute will be determined by the amount of wear and tear or rust and corrosion that is evident at the time of a claim.
Preferred repairer
In the event of a claim where we choose to repair your bicycle, we will advise you of our preferred repairer. Please note we reserve the right in all instances to have repairs undertaken at a repairer of our choice.
Replacement parts
If any part of your bicycle requiring repair or replacement is not available in the UK at the time of your claim, the most we will pay in relation to any such part will be the lesser of the manufacturer’s most recent UK price list or the list price of the closest equivalent part available in the UK.
If your bicycle is a total loss
If we’ve paid out on a total loss claim, your bike and other claimed parts or accessories become our property, so we’ll keep the proceeds of any salvage sold.
We’ll switch cover to your replacement bike for the remainder of your policy term, so your renewal date stays the same. If the value of your new bike and/or replacement parts is higher than the value of your original insured items, you’ll be asked to pay an additional premium.
If your bicycle is a partial loss
If you have a partial loss claim on your bicycle or custom parts or accessories, the claimed item/s will become our property and we will keep the proceeds of any salvage sold. Your policy remains active during and after the claim being processed and your premium obligations remain unchanged.
Things you need to know
Ongoing claims will be covered up to the policy limit on your current policy.
You must never, without our consent:
- Approve any repairs or arrange replacements
- Dispose of any damaged property
These actions may result in us reducing or denying your claim.
Your cycling insurance excess is a flat rate of £50, which is applicable on a per claim basis.
What we need from you:
- Proof of ownership and value regarding any claimed loss or damage of your bicycle or custom part or accessory.
Proof, in the event of a theft or an attempted theft claim, that you complied with the policy’s security conditions. Proof includes, but is not limited to, providing us with:
- confirmation of the lock’s make and model, and/or
- the lock’s key or the remains of the lock, and/or
- evidence of forcible and violent entry or removal of the bicycle
- Help us manage your claim by providing us with appropriate supporting evidence or written statements under oath, where necessary. We may also need to ask you questions and inspect your bicycle.
- Make your damaged bicycle or custom part or accessory available for inspection by us or another representative nominated by us.
- Keep the bicycle or custom part or accessory that has been damaged and allow us to inspect it or assess repair costs.
- Allow us to take possession of damaged property that is the subject of a claim and retain that property if your claim or any part thereof is settled on a total loss basis.
- Help us as we work to exercise, for our benefit, your legal right of recovery against any other party.
- Tell us about any other insurance that may be relevant to the claim.
- Answer all questions honestly and completely. Provide us with any information a reasonable person under the circumstances would expect us to want to know. We may refuse payment of your claim and/or cancel your policy if you or any person who is acting with your express or implied consent, misrepresents, deliberately omits, avoids providing or falsifies any information provided to us in relation to a claim.
- We may reduce or deny your claim in the event that you fail to meet or comply with the above claim requirements.
Frequently asked questions
- Your policy number
- A brief description of the incident: what happened, when, where and how
- Police Crime Reference (if necessary)
- Any additional evidence for example photos, medical reports, invoices etc.
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